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Once again the future of the White Hart Inn is being threatened again with an application for “change of use”.

There is no doubt the pub is nonviable in the hands of the current owner who has always had one’s eyes on the bigger prize. 

Where else can the folk from our community meet and come together. In the right hands we believe this pub is viable and can return to service the needs of this rural community.


Get your objections in soon:

Ref 24/00582/FUL




Here are a few important facts, possibly from scientific studies into the importance of rural pubs:

Pubs effectively contribute to increasing social engagement and community cohesion among residents in rural areas of England

In rural areas, pubs act as essential melting pots for bringing the community together from all walks of life and studies conclude that they provide a vital service that the countryside cannot afford to lose.

The importance of the village pub as the main hub in the community’s infrastructure has increased, offering support to a wide range of activities . Pubs function as physical incubators which foster engagement and involvement among the community, as well as creating jobs for local people and local suppliers.